At Home Ged Classes Online

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Many libraries and community colleges offer free or low-cost GED classes for adults, as well as a number of online options. Find a program that fits your schedule, offers free resources, and provides the support you need to prepare for and ace your exam. MOLearns is Missouri's FREE high school equivalency (HSE) preparation online classroom. Complete your lessons online, 24/7 at home, when it is most convenient for your schedule. Full episodes of ncis Work at your own pace, and follow an individualized learning plan.

At Home Ged Classes Online

At Home Ged Classes Online Application


Colorado High School Equivalency Program In April 2016, the Colorado Department of Education approved the use of three nationally recognized high school equivalency tests for students 17 years old and older, and 16 years old in some instances, in order to receive a Colorado high school equivalency diploma. The three State Board of Education approved high school equivalency tests are: The General Educational Development (GED®) Test, provided by the GED Testing Service (GEDTS®); the High School Equivalency Test (HiSET®), provided by Educational Testing Service (ETS); and the Test Assessing Secondary Completion (TASC™), provided by CTB. Ajay devgan movie full badshaho. Presentation of an official diploma or transcript received after passing one of these State-approved tests is considered equivalent to a high school diploma in order to obtain education or employment in Colorado.