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About The Book Welcome to Perspectives and Open Access Anthropology! We are delighted to bring to you this novel textbook, a collection of chapters on the essential topics in cultural anthropology. Different from other introductory textbooks, this book is an edited volume with each chapter written by a different author. Each author has written from their experiences working as an anthropologist and that personal touch makes for an accessible introduction to cultural anthropology. This work is licensed under a. You can follow the Society for Anthropology in Community Colleges on.
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Books About Anthropology
Anthropology books for UPSC With a drastic cut in the Anthropology optional syllabus, it has emerged to be one of the safest optional that a UPSC aspirant can opt for. The new syllabus is much more streamlined and compared to the previous syllabus; a lot of vagueness and discrepancies has been removed, though some still persist. In this article, we give you a list from which to choose the best book for anthropology for IAS. Candidates with Biology as a subject in graduation or even Doctors definitely have an upper hand when it comes to Anthropology as an optional subject. Nonetheless, any aspirant with the keen interest in learning this subject can fare well in this optional. The key step is to primarily read and understand the syllabus as it is important to gauge one’s interest before proceeding with the optional preparation. Know more about the and Also find the complete before starting with the optional preparation.