Now a massively popular multimedia franchise, began as a series of hit otome games published. So far there are nine games in the series including, Amazing Aria, Sweet Serenade, Repeat, Music, Debut, All Star, Music 2, and All Star After Secret. The story of the games follows aspiring composer Haruka Nanami as she enters the prestigious performing arts school Saotome Academy. If she does well enough she hopes to join the Agency after graduation.
However, she’s surrounded by so many talented musicians including her former idol star teacher, Ringo Tsukimiya, and a headmaster, Saotome, who was previously a record-breaking singer, and the place has such an eccentric atmosphere that it’s far from an easy task. For graduating students will place themselves in composer/idol teams to sing their own song and compete to join the Academy. Romance is prohibited but which of the cute male idols will Haruka end up with?